Need help financing your next project,or home purchase?

A picture of Money

Everyone needs some help getting pointed in the right direction. So we add this page to help those who are in need. If you are in the market for a new house, or you my need a loan to finance your next project, here are two contacts whom we use regular.

If you are needing to sell your home, or purchase one of our homes that is already listed in the MLS you will need a Relator, below you will find the contact information for the Relator of choice for Frisbee Builders.

Lynn Hathcock
Beverly-Hanks & Associates
Asheville (North) Office
Office: (828) 251-1800
Direct: (828)-210-2961
Mobile: (828)-231-1955

If you are in need of a home loan, or a construction loan, below you will find a contact for that as well. We have been able to send several customers to Katie, with great results.

Katie Silver
Loan Officer
Home Trust Bank
Asheville NC - Downtown Branch
Phone: Phone: 828-254-8144